3D Modeling & Sculpting

You can look at the models and download them on my skechfab account: lizzielarissie.


Angry Cat

This cat is based on the concept art I created for a character representing the emotion of anger. It is the first animal sculpting I made using ZBrush.

Sad Frog (T-Pose)

This Frogis based on the concept art I created for a character representing the emotion of sadness. 

The animals below were made for group project that took place during my studie at Creative Media and Game Technologies. The deer was made for a cinematics. The video can be found at portfolio-Animations.



Deer (with Antlers)


Not textured yet



Not textured yet



(Small) Deer





Not textured yet

Machines and Buildings


I made this crane for a group project during my studie at Creative Media and Game Technologies. We made a physics based puzzle game where the player could pick-up and put down objects with a magnet. 


House of Sticks

I made this house for my graduation presentation. The house represents a safe space. 



I made this car for a group project during my studie at Creative Media and Game Technologies. 



This is the first 3D model I made. I made this treehouse for a 3D modling course during my study at Creative Media and Game Technologies.